Is PRP the Answer to Your Joint Pain?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a relatively new and revolutionary way to treat joint pain due to issues like arthritis, tendinitis, and ligament problems.
At Life Point Medical, LLC, located in Clayton, Georgia, Dr. Timothy Scott Beck wants you to know the following about PRP and how it can resolve your joint pain. Less joint pain means you can participate in the activities you enjoy and possibly avoid surgery or pharmaceutical treatments.
About PRP
Your blood consists of red and white blood cells, plasma (the liquid portion), and platelets. Platelets have the unique role of clotting blood, thus helping wounds heal. They do far more than that, however.
Platelets contain numerous healing and connective tissue growth factors that help tissue revitalize at the site of injury or damage.
Platelet-rich plasma treatments concentrate the number of platelets introduced to an injured joint. We create it by drawing a sample of blood from your arm and spinning it in a device called a centrifuge. The high speed separates the platelets and plasma from the other components.
When Dr. Beck injects the PRP into your damaged joint, the concentrated platelets go to work, helping stimulate natural repair. He uses ultrasound guidance to direct the PRP to the exact place where it provides the most benefit.
Effectiveness of PRP
Research supports the effectiveness of PRP in reducing pain in joint issues. PRP injections have been shown to be especially effective for knee joint pain due to osteoarthritis. The PRP initiates a “smoothing over” of the rough or damaged cartilage, which means less friction and pain in the joint.
PRP can hasten the healing process when it comes to chronic tendon injuries, like tennis elbow or jumper’s knee. The PRP injections are also useful after you undergo surgery. They speed healing and get you back to your daily activities and hobbies faster.
Other joint problems and injuries that PRP helps with include:
- Rotator cuff injuries
- Shoulder pain
- Hamstring or hip strains
- Ankle sprains
- Achilles’ tendonitis
- Plantar fasciitis
Many people feel the benefit after just one injection, but sometimes 2-3 treatments are needed. If you need more than one injection, they’re typically scheduled 3-4 weeks apart to assess healing along the way.
Because PRP injections stimulate natural healing, the results show up gradually. You will need to wait a few weeks to feel a real difference in your pain levels. PRP is not an instant fix.
Benefits of PRP
PRP offers an alternative to steroid injections and pain medication for easing joint pain. It’s different from these interventions in that it actually helps heal your joint rather than just cover up the pain.
PRP is long-lasting and has few side effects. Because it comes from a sample of your own blood, you’re unlikely to have any negative reaction to the introduction of PRP.
You may be sore for a day or two following PRP injections, but the downtime following treatment is minimal, especially compared to surgery. The injections are given in-office, so there’s no special preparation required.
If you’re ready to find out more about PRP and explore the option to treat your joint pain, contact Life Point Medical, LLC today. Use this website or call the office in Clayton, Georgia.
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