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What Causes Vaginismus?

What Causes Vaginismus?

Vaginismus is a painful condition that makes vaginal penetration of any kind difficult. It’s complex, and identifying the physical and mental factors that contribute to it isn’t always easy. Learn the possible causes and find treatment options here.
Jul 10th, 2024
PRP Therapy: 7 Key Benefits for Stiff, Arthritic Joints

PRP Therapy: 7 Key Benefits for Stiff, Arthritic Joints

Arthritic joints aren't just painful — they keep you from doing the activities you love, but what treatments can genuinely help? Read more to discover what PRP is and how it's revolutionizing treatment for stubborn arthritis in your joints.
May 4th, 2023

How Ortho Jelly Ingredients Reduce Your Pain

When you have pain, you do anything for relief, including unnecessary surgical procedures. However, what if a topical jelly could significantly reduce your pain? Read on to discover how the ingredients in Ortho Jelly work to ease the pain.
Apr 4th, 2023
 5 Important Signs of Healthy Hormone Levels

5 Important Signs of Healthy Hormone Levels

Hormones are essential to your well-being, and healthy levels are crucial to multiple functions in your body. Keep reading to discover what signs signal your hormones are at a healthy level.
Mar 14th, 2023
Understanding Your Risk Factors for Dehydration

Understanding Your Risk Factors for Dehydration

We all get dehydrated here and there, but it's not usually life-threatening. However, chronic dehydration does take its toll on your health and well-being. Keep reading to find out if you're at risk for dehydration and what you can do about it.
Feb 14th, 2023
5 Ways to Promote Healthy Skin All Winter Long

5 Ways to Promote Healthy Skin All Winter Long

Wouldn't it be nice to have the healthy glow that you have in the summer through the winter? You can achieve healthy skin through winter with a bit of extra care. Read on to find out how to keep your skin looking its best during the colder months.
Jan 19th, 2023
The Link Between Lipo-B12 Injections and Weight Loss

The Link Between Lipo-B12 Injections and Weight Loss

Losing weight isn't easy, especially as you get older. If you're struggling to shed extra pounds, Lipo-B12 injections can significantly help. Read on to discover how Lipo-B12 injections help you get the body you've been dreaming of.
Dec 11th, 2022
How IV Hydration Helps You Get Over That Nasty Hangover

How IV Hydration Helps You Get Over That Nasty Hangover

The headache, thirst, and fatigue following a night of drinking can put a real damper on your day. But you can get help for your nasty hangover with intravenous (IV) hydration. Click here to learn how IV hydration helps hangovers.
Oct 1st, 2022
The Importance of Getting Your Flu Shot Early

The Importance of Getting Your Flu Shot Early

The coronavirus is still here, and flu season is just around the corner. Both are respiratory viruses that can become life-threatening. For your protection, stay up to date on your vaccinations, including your flu shot.
Sep 1st, 2022
Can Ortho Jelly Help My Arthritis?

Can Ortho Jelly Help My Arthritis?

Are you looking for a more natural solution to arthritis pain? Look no further than Ortho Jelly. Here’s what you should know about this powerful treatment in a jar.
Aug 1st, 2022
Is PRP the Answer to Your Joint Pain?

Is PRP the Answer to Your Joint Pain?

PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, offers treatment for joint pain from arthritis, surgery, or soft tissue injuries. PRP comes from your own blood and can help you delay or avoid surgery. Here’s what you should know about this revolutionary treatment.
Jul 7th, 2022
How a Hormone Imbalance Can Impact Your Sex Life

How a Hormone Imbalance Can Impact Your Sex Life

The roles that reproductive hormones play in your sex life are both direct and indirect and often only felt when they’re out of balance. Here’s how these hormones influence your sex life and what we can do to help.
Jun 1st, 2022
5 Tips for Managing Spring Allergies

5 Tips for Managing Spring Allergies

Spring is a beautiful season of renewal, flowers, and warm temperatures, but unfortunately, spring can also signal the start of seasonal allergies. In this blog, we cover five tips for managing your spring allergies.
Apr 1st, 2022
Kick-Start Your Weight Loss With Lipo and B12 Injections

Kick-Start Your Weight Loss With Lipo and B12 Injections

Pairing Lipo-B12 injections with a healthful diet and regular exercise can kick-start your weight loss. These injections contain vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that may increase fat metabolism and boost wellness. Learn whether they’re right for you!
Feb 4th, 2022
5 Tips for Preventing a UTI

5 Tips for Preventing a UTI

Urinary tract infections are a common nuisance that can not only cause you discomfort but can also disrupt your daily life. With some practical steps, you can reduce the chances of developing a UTI.
Jan 6th, 2022
5 Tips to Ease Winter Asthma Symptoms

5 Tips to Ease Winter Asthma Symptoms

For many people with asthma, frigid winter temperatures can stir up their symptoms, making it harder to control the condition. With some practical steps, you can get your asthma under control in the winter.
Dec 6th, 2021
Using Ortho Jelly to Treat Your Neuropathy

Using Ortho Jelly to Treat Your Neuropathy

Nerve damage from injury, infection, or disease can cause discomfort or pain long after the condition ends. These lingering sensations, part of peripheral neuropathy, can be difficult to treat. Ortho Jelly represents a natural and organic alternative.
Oct 4th, 2021
Preparing for Your DOT Physical

Preparing for Your DOT Physical

As a commercial vehicle driver, a DOT physical is a must. You can make it as easy and stress-free as possible by doing a few things to prepare. Learn how to get ready here.
Sep 6th, 2021
Treating Arthritis with PRP

Treating Arthritis with PRP

If you’re among the millions of Americans suffering from joint pain caused by arthritis, there’s an exciting new treatment just for you. Platelet-rich plasma therapy, an all-natural regenerative medicine therapy that harnesses your body’s healing power.
Aug 4th, 2021

Check Your Moles with the ABCDE Method

Everybody has moles, and most of them are harmless. But a new mole, or a mole that’s changing, could be a sign of skin cancer. Learn the ABCDEs of moles to defend against melanoma and other types of potentially deadly skin cancer.
Jul 19th, 2021

What is Ortho Jelly?

Pain management can be difficult, particularly for a range of diseases and conditions that aren’t curable, or when the cause of the pain isn’t fully understood. Ortho Jelly is a certified organic topical ointment that helps block pain signals.
Jun 10th, 2021

3 Major Benefits of IV Hydration Therapy

Your body is mostly water and depends on it to function correctly. So, when you’re low on H2O, you may feel fatigued, headachy, and sick. Find out how IV hydration therapy can speed up your recovery and change the way you look and live.
May 9th, 2021

How Lipo-B12 Injections Can Help You Lose Weight

If you’re struggling to lose weight, Lipo-B12 injections may be just what you need. Read on to learn the role vitamin B12 plays and how Lipo-B12 injections can help jump-start the weight loss process.
Mar 14th, 2021

Boost Your Allergy Immunity This Spring With Our Allergy Shots

The beauty of spring blossoms brings a smile to most people. But if the misery of sneezing and itchy eyes overshadows your appreciation of nature, you’re a springtime allergy sufferer. If you come in now, we can help ease your symptoms this year.
Feb 12th, 2021

Resolved to Lose Weight This Year? We Can Help

Losing weight is a challenge for so many reasons. Perhaps you don’t know how to begin or how to sustain your efforts. If losing weight and adopting a healthy lifestyle is your goal this year, learn why medical supervision is vital to your success.
Jan 14th, 2021

Could You Have Diabetes and Not Know It?

Because the signs and symptoms of diabetes are often so subtle, it’s very possible to be among millions of Americans who don’t know they have the disease. Knowing these hard-to-distinguish signs may give you the clues you need to get medical care.
Dec 1st, 2020

Exosome Therapy Versus Stem Cell Therapy: How Do They Differ?

Regenerative medicine is growing in popularity, and for good reason. These therapies tap into the body’s natural healing power. But with terms like stem cell and exosome being thrown around, it’s easy to get confused. Keep reading to learn the differences.
Nov 10th, 2020

Who Can Benefit From IV Hydration?

Do you feel a bit run down but don’t know why? Are you struggling to recover from your recent cold? Your symptoms may be signs that you’re not getting enough fluids in your diet and you may benefit from intravenous (IV) hydration.
Aug 14th, 2020

How to Protect Your Skin from the Elements of Summer

During summer, sun, saltwater, and heat pose extra challenges to your skin. You also naturally bare more skin as you swim and soak up rays. Read on to learn how to keep your skin healthy and protected, while looking your best and enjoying the season.
Jul 7th, 2020

12 Heart-Healthy Foods to Add to Your Diet this Year

One of the easiest things you can do to improve heart health is to make changes to your diet. But instead of thinking about what you need to give up, click here to read about the 12 heart-healthy foods you can add to your diet this year.
Jun 8th, 2020

Urgent Care Versus Primary Care: What You Need to Know

Both primary care and urgent care can help when you’re dealing with an illness or injury, but they fulfill somewhat different needs. Knowing which option to choose can positively impact your well-being. Keep reading to learn the difference between them.
Apr 9th, 2020

Recognizing the Warning Signs of Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is very common. Anyone can get it, and it’s important to regularly have your skin checked for signs of cancer. Find out more about the common types of cancer and what they look like, so you can get the care you need to keep skin healthy.
Mar 9th, 2020

The Many Benefits of B12 Injections

If diet and exercise haven’t helped you shed excess weight, B12 injections could be the solution you’ve been looking for. Here are some of the many benefits of B12 injections, which include fat reduction.
Feb 18th, 2020

How Dehydration Impacts Your Overall Health

Do you tend to reach for a cup of anything-but-water? If your water intake is lacking, you might be at risk for painful and life-threatening health problems. Read more to see how your dehydration is affecting your health.
Jan 1st, 2020

What Your Doctor Is Looking for During Your Annual Wellness Exam

If you’re generally a healthy person, you may let that annual checkup fall off your radar. After all, you’re busy, and doctor appointments are inconvenient. But if you knew the time and money they save you in the long run, you’d never skip another.
Dec 1st, 2019

When It's Time to Get an Allergy Test

Allergies can develop at any time and cause a range of symptoms that affect your daily life, from a chronic cough to trouble sleeping. If you’re experiencing unexplained symptoms and suspect an allergy, it may be time to consider allergy testing.
Oct 1st, 2019

Here's How Ortho Jelly Can Help Ease that Chronic Pain

When you have chronic pain from arthritis or fibromyalgia, you suffer all the time. But taking drugs to dull the pain can be habit-forming and harmful to your health. Ortho jelly brings you amazing relief without drugs.
Sep 1st, 2019

Here's What You Need to Know About Chronic Care

Managing a chronic illness, like diabetes, can be confusing and frustrating. The first step is to find a doctor who understands the care and management of conditions for which there is no cure. Here’s what you should know about chronic care.
Jun 14th, 2019
Annual Skin Check  Life Point Medical

The Importance of Having an Annual Skin Check

Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and you should treat it with as much care as you do your other organs. Getting an annual skin check can help you detect and stop skin cancer early.
May 14th, 2019
Urgent Care Clayton, Georgia, Life Point Medical

Top 10 Reasons to Seek an Urgent Care Visit

Not sure if you need to get a doctor’s appointment, visit urgent care, or go to the emergency room? Here are the top reasons for choosing urgent care for your medical condition.
Apr 10th, 2019
We offer quality, walk-in medical care, even for those who don't have insurance.

We Offer Quality Walk-in Care Even if You Don't Have Insurance

Are you one of the millions of men and women without health insurance? You don’t have to miss out on preventive care or go to the emergency room when you’re sick. You can get uninsured patient visits at Life Point Medical, LLC. Here’s how it works.
Jan 30th, 2019
Everything You Need to Know About PCOS

Everything You Need to Know About PCOS

If you’re struggling with PCOS symptoms, you’re not alone. This common and chronic condition can cause menstrual problems, weight gain, changes in hair growth, and more. Early diagnosis and treatment can help you get your wellness back on track.
Jul 11th, 2024
How to Get Rid of Deep Frown Lines Without Surgery

How to Get Rid of Deep Frown Lines Without Surgery

Deep frown lines are a part of aging, but one you don't necessarily want to live with – but there are options other than surgery. Read on to discover how injectables give you flawless skin without invasive procedures.
Jul 11th, 2024
How Do Hormone Replacement Pellets Work?

How Do Hormone Replacement Pellets Work?

Night sweats, hot flashes, and mood swings are all unfortunate consequences of menopause – but you don't have to live with them. Keep reading to find out how hormone replacement pellets work to reduce menopause.
Jul 10th, 2024
5 Possible Causes of an Itchy Vagina

5 Possible Causes of an Itchy Vagina

Does an itchy vagina have you down and wondering what's going on? Keep reading to find out five probable causes of vaginal itching and what you can do to get immediate relief.
Jul 10th, 2024
When Should My Teen Daughter Have Her First Pap Smear?

When Should My Teen Daughter Have Her First Pap Smear?

Having a teen girl means, at some point, she needs to see a gynecologist – but when should you prepare her for a Pap smear? Keep reading to find out when your teen daughter needs to make an appointment with the OB/GYN for a checkup and Pap smear.
Jul 10th, 2024
Common STDs and How to Prevent Them

Common STDs and How to Prevent Them

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are so common and (often) symptomless that you may not even know you have one. Meanwhile, you may spread the infection to others and other parts of your body. Here’s how to prevent STDs or catch them quickly.
Jul 10th, 2024
Which Type of Birth Control Is Right for Me?

Which Type of Birth Control Is Right for Me?

In the modern age, we have more birth control options than ever — so many that it’s often a complex decision. Learn more about your options and what to consider when choosing the right method of birth control.
Jul 10th, 2024
6 Reasons to Schedule Your Next Mammogram ASAP

6 Reasons to Schedule Your Next Mammogram ASAP

Scheduling a mammogram may not be the most exciting thing on your to-do list, but it could be one of the most crucial. Putting off this essential screening could mean overlooking the early signs of breast cancer.
Jul 10th, 2024
5 Benefits of Routine Pap Smears

5 Benefits of Routine Pap Smears

Like shopping for a swimsuit, you may dread your routine Pap smear. But this quick and painless screening test can save your life. Click here to learn more about the benefits of Pap tests.
Jul 10th, 2024
 5 Risk Factors for Ovarian Cysts

5 Risk Factors for Ovarian Cysts

While ovarian cysts are relatively common, some circumstances can make you more likely to have them. Find out how ovarian cysts occur and whether you have a heightened risk for developing them.
Jul 10th, 2024
Understanding How PCOS Can Affect Your Body

Understanding How PCOS Can Affect Your Body

Unpredictable periods are just the tip of the PCOS iceberg. If you have polycystic ovary syndrome, your entire body takes a hit. Here’s what lies beneath the surface of PCOS and what you can do about it.
Jul 10th, 2024
10 Telltale Symptoms of Menopause

10 Telltale Symptoms of Menopause

Are you feeling more irritable than usual? Do you have difficulty falling or staying asleep? These health problems may be symptoms of menopause. Click here to learn more about the telltale signs of this change in life.
Jul 10th, 2024
Life After a Positive STD Test

Life After a Positive STD Test

Learning you have an STD can cause a wide range of emotions, from alarm and fear to confusion and even shame. But you’re not alone. When you work with an expert you trust, they can help guide you through your diagnosis.
Jul 10th, 2024
Understanding How the Nonhormonal IUD Works

Understanding How the Nonhormonal IUD Works

An IUD is one of the most effective long-term birth control solutions available. However, some women don't respond well to hormonal birth control. A nonhormonal IUD can help.
Jul 10th, 2024
My Pap Smear Results Were Abnormal — What Now?

My Pap Smear Results Were Abnormal — What Now?

Abnormal Pap smear results aren’t a diagnosis of cancer, but they do call for further testing. Take a moment to find out what’s likely to come next, and learn more about why your results came back abnormal.
Jul 10th, 2024
Why Do I Have Wrinkles Around My Eyes?

Why Do I Have Wrinkles Around My Eyes?

Eye wrinkles are common, but when they hinder your confidence and make you feel less than your best, it’s time to do something about them. Learn where eye wrinkles come from and how cosmetic injectables can help you love your look again.
Jul 10th, 2024
Seven Symptoms of Endometriosis

Seven Symptoms of Endometriosis

Pelvic pain, heavy bleeding, and infertility are some of the common signs of endometriosis. But these symptoms also occur with many other gynecological conditions. Click here to learn more about endometriosis.
Jul 10th, 2024
How Does a Birth Control Patch Work?

How Does a Birth Control Patch Work?

To be effective, contraceptive pills must be taken daily. Find out how birth control patches can prevent unwanted pregnancies without the inconvenience of having to remember to take pills on a daily basis.
Jul 10th, 2024
Injectable Treatments for Crow's Feet and Frown Lines

Injectable Treatments for Crow's Feet and Frown Lines

The combination of aging and even repeated facial movements like smiling can lead to specific types of wrinkles, such as crow’s feet and frown lines. One very simple solution for reducing their appearance is by using injectables.
Jul 10th, 2024
Don't Skip Your Pap Smear: It Could Save Your Life

Don't Skip Your Pap Smear: It Could Save Your Life

Since you feel fine and use condoms most of the time you have sex, you may assume you can skip your Pap smear. But a fast, easy Pap test identifies the early signs of cervical cancer — which potentially could save your life.
Jul 10th, 2024
7 Tips for Maintaining Bone Strength as You Age

7 Tips for Maintaining Bone Strength as You Age

You don’t have to accept frailty and brittle bones as inevitable side effects of aging. Here are some tips to help you stay strong and maintain your bone strength as you get older.
Jul 10th, 2024
Common Causes of Abnormal Bleeding

Common Causes of Abnormal Bleeding

It’s natural to be concerned about abnormal uterine bleeding. While it can indicate a potentially serious condition, abnormal bleeding can also occur without problems. Find out about common causes of abnormal bleeding and when it requires treatment.
Jul 10th, 2024
Finding the Perfect Combination of Cosmetic Injectables

Finding the Perfect Combination of Cosmetic Injectables

Combining cosmetic injectables allows you to tackle multiple issues at once to provide beautiful, natural-looking results. Learn why you should consider making combination injectables part of your beauty maintenance routine.
Jul 10th, 2024
The Pap Test: Your First Line of Defense

The Pap Test: Your First Line of Defense

A Pap smear is a quick and simple test that can save your life. It detects precancerous and cancerous cells of the cervix and helps to diagnose cervical cancer early, when it’s easier to treat.
Jul 10th, 2024
Preparing for Your DOT Physical

Preparing for Your DOT Physical Status

If you need a Department of Transportation (DOT) physical exam, no problem. Here’s what you need to know about this required exam, and what you'll need to do to pass.
Jul 10th, 2024
How You Can Boost Sexual Health at Home

How You Can Boost Sexual Health at Home

Sexual health encompasses multiple aspects — practicing safe sex, preventing unwanted pregnancy, and getting screened for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Here are some simple, less obvious ways you can help boost your sexual health.
Jul 10th, 2024
Adjusting to Life With Menopause

Adjusting to Life With Menopause

For some women, menopause is no big deal. But for many women, the changes brought on by menopause can disrupt their daily life in a big way. Here are some tips on how to adjust to life with menopause.
Jul 10th, 2024

When Is It Time for an STD Test?

If you’re having sex, there’s a chance you have or can get a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Unfortunately, STDs don’t always have obvious symptoms, and you can be infected without knowing it. The only way you can be sure is with an STD test.
Jul 10th, 2024

Which Birth Control Is Right for You?

When it comes to birth control, there are so many options and so many questions to ask. Which type of birth control is the right one for you? Here are some answers.
Jul 10th, 2024