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Got a Hangover? Infusion Therapy Can Aid in Next-Morning Recovery

You enjoyed last night, maybe even overindulge without meaning to. But that doesn’t mean you have to endure a hangover. Skip the spinning room, pounding head, and churning stomach by getting ahead of the game with infusion therapy.

At Life Point Medical in Clayton, Georgia, our board-certified internal medicine physician, Dr. Timothy Scott Beck, offers IV Therapy to help reduce dehydration and rebalance your body. That way, you can get back to your day instead of languishing with a hangover.  

Hangovers and dehydration

You probably know how it happens. You drink too much and wake up with a hangover. The excess alcohol consumption makes you sweat and urinate, and there could be a round of vomiting involved. All of these deplete the amount of fluids in your system and make you dehydrated. 

Being dehydrated slows your body down and causes major body functions to develop a pronounced limp. You’ll feel fatigued and nauseated, and likely have a splitting headache and a cottony mouth. But coffee and a greasy breakfast aren’t the cure; you need serious fluids, fast.

IV hangover infusions

An IV can get fluids into your body quickly, making you feel better fast. In fact, many ER doctors instantly run an IV line when they receive patients with alcohol intoxication, since they find giving fluids in this way helps to speed recovery. At Life Point Medical, we deliver the same level of medical care to provide IV therapy for your hangover.

Our hangover cocktail is customized and designed to help you with:

Your infusion will be carefully prepared after a quick consultation with you to make sure you aren’t sensitive to any of the ingredients. Then you’ll be made comfortable, and the IV will be connected. You’ll simply relax while the infusion is delivered directly into your bloodstream. 

After around 45 minutes, your treatment will be complete, although you’ll start feeling much better after just a few minutes. You could even take a power nap during treatment. You’ll wake up feeling like new!

Drink responsibly, and try to match your alcohol intake with water intake. Don’t forget to eat because an empty stomach is not your friend when you’re drinking alcohol. When you get home, drink some more water before you go to bed.

But if you wake up with a hangover anyway, contact us by phone or online today to schedule a consultation.

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