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Exosome Therapy Versus Stem Cell Therapy: How Do They Differ?

Regenerative medicine is becoming something of a buzzword in the medical community. Why? Because the human body is specially equipped to heal itself, and regenerative therapies tap into this powerful ability.

Regenerative medicine includes treatments like exosome therapy and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. Research around these therapies is expanding every day, but they show promise in treating a wide range of musculoskeletal pain conditions.

Timothy Scott Beck, MD, and our team at Life Point Medical are proud to bring the latest in regenerative medicine to patients in Clayton, Georgia.

Life Point Medical now only offers platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy to Patients!!

Today, we’re diving into the differences between exosome therapy and stem cell therapy. These two regenerative medicine treatments are often lumped together — but the truth is they have distinct differences, and exosome therapy may present distinct benefits.

Stem cells versus exosomes

Stem cells are a special type of cell found in the body. They’re unique because they can become any type of cell, and they act as both building blocks and repair mechanisms in your body.

Exosomes are extracellular vesicles, which is the medical term for tiny bubbles that are released from stem cells. Exosomes carry genetic information and proteins to cells throughout your body, and they create paths for communication between cells.

Stem cell therapy

Stem cell therapy involves guiding stem cells into becoming specific cells in the body. Stem cells are found in several places, including embryos, umbilical cords, and in adult bone marrow and fat.

In stem cell therapy, donor stem cells are placed in your body to replace and repair diseased cells. Stem cells grow and divide for a long time, so treatment gets your body started on the healing process, and then it continues to create healthier cells over time.

Exosome therapy

Unlike stem cell therapy, exosome therapy doesn’t involve using donor cells in your body. Instead, exosomes are extracted from donated human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and sterilized.

The exosome solution contains valuable lipids, messenger-RNA, micro-RNA, signaling cytokines, and proteins. Exosome therapy can be administered through intravenous (IV) therapy or direct injection in the treatment area.

Exosomes are powerful elements that can restore cells throughout your body. They enhance cell-to-cell communication, which is essential for overall cell health. 

Compared to adult stem cells, exosomes contain nearly three times the amount of growth factors. More growth factors means a better ability to restore and revitalize target cells.

The benefits of exosome therapy

Exosome therapy is a highly targeted, flexible treatment for conditions like osteoarthritis, chronic pain, and musculoskeletal injuries. Genetic disorders, chronic and degenerative diseases, and the natural aging process can all inhibit your cells’ ability to communicate. Exosome therapy improves the communication channels between cells to stimulate healing.

For example, osteoarthritis is an extremely common degenerative joint condition. Stem cell therapy can provide rejuvenating benefits, but results can be limited by external factors and your overall cell health. Exosome therapy supports healing by providing additional information from younger cells that your body needs.

Exosome therapy is generally performed in an outpatient setting. 

Life Point Medical now only offers platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy to Patients. Dr. Beck and his team no longer offers Exosome Therapy or  Stem Cell Therapy. Call Life Point Medical at 706-534-6566 or request a consultation online for PRP therapy.

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